Nurmijärven Opisto is a private Adult Education Centre run by a non-profit association. Nurmijärven Opisto was founded in 1956. Nurmijärven Opisto is available to everyone, regardless of their age or educational background. Learning is largely self-motivated and, as a rule, not aimed at achieving a formal qualification.
The curriculum is planned on a yearly basis to ensure that it best reflects the demand in Nurmijärvi area. We offer a wide range of courses on different subjects, e.g., languages, sports, dance, art, handicrafts, music, digital skills. Courses are open for all, also for those residing outside Nurmijärvi municipality. Courses are held in various locations in Nurmijärvi area.
Nurmijärven Opisto also runs three art schools that provide basic education in the arts: Nurmijärven kuvataidekoulu (Visual Arts), Nurmijärven käsityökoulu (Crafts) and Jukolan musiikkikoulu (Music). Learning is goal-orientated and tied to a national curriculum and available for children and adults.
For information on courses, enrolment, course fees, unemployment discount, cancellations etc., please contact the office:
Study-Credit Courses (ECTS)
Traditionally, studying at an adult education centre has been non-formal. However, based on lifelong learning, and tomake the learning achievements visible,it has been considered necessary to
recognise knowledge acquired in adulteducation centres’ courses.At the Nurmijärvi Adult Education Centre, it is possible to earn study credits oncourses marked as study credit courses. If you wish, the material you have learnt from the courses will be assessed. You can find your successfully passed
courses on Oma Opintopolku onlineservice ( A successful pass is a simple way to officially indicate your knowledge, which you have accumulated on study credit courses, to your employer or another educational institute. The accumulated study credits are also useful in your own
CV or job application. We offer study-credit courses e.g., in Finnish as a second language courses. Study-credit courses are marked with following logo and you can find courses here.

Welcome to study at Nurmijärvi Adult Education Centre!